Uniting Voices Worldwide to Eliminate Violence Against Women 2020
Thank you for taking the time to read these powerful points that speakers made during the Uniting Voices Worldwide to Eliminate Violence Against Women on November 24, 2020. If you want to watch the conference: click here.
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“Mandatory- 20-30 % more 911 calls on domestic violence [due to CO-VID]”
-Dr. Antonia Felix, Education Consultant and Author
“Mental health deteriorating, resources cut down, put a lot of people in vulnerable situations…many girls will not return back to school: early marriage, pregnant… Cheaper goods, cheaper labor, greater human trafficking…
Supporting victims…their lives matter…we are here to support them, they will not be left alone.”
-Mandy Sanghera, Global campaigner, Gender Based Violence
“Prostitution and sex trafficking more problems with pandemic. Men stop buying sex. Brothels closed by the government due to CO-VID 19…Make women more vulnerable, no where to go.”
-Dr. Donna Hughs, Professor, Women’s Studies, Human Trafficking Expert
“Women taking the brunt of CO-VID. Women make hard decisions around families: health, economics… already unbearable and no accommodations from work.
Iran 149th earner in the world, women earn 1/5 of what men earn….from 2020 report before CO-VID.”
-Zahra Amanpour, Social Entrepreneur: Founder of Indiegrove and Next Move Strategy
“Most African American women: segregated areas of suburbs and houses… duties increase, worries about food stamps, housing….. Many children left to monitor themselves for homework and school and to check on elderly.”
-Dr. Aminah B. Al-Deen, Professor Emeritus, Islamic World Studies and Department of Religion
“…In September 7th, 1981, snatched in the streets for spreading papers about women’s rights and spent four years in prison. Tortures began immediately: flogging and screams non-stop….70 year old women, pregnant women, teenagers: hanging by wrists, rape had no limits..in order to break women, guards rape women repeatedly…Many teens… lost sanity or commit suicide. Forever grateful mothers and elders…. carry us and keep our sanity…. mid evil misogamy still continue. In Nov. 2019 uprising: Many young women and girls imprisoned…. Now think of with CO-VID: denied treatment and hospitalization….”
-Mitra Samani, Iran Prison Survivor turned Women’s Rights Activist
“Women’s [sport] leagues start months later during CO-VID…Women have had to fundraise for their own equipment…Women resilience and push back…added weight of system of thinking and policies, freedom of expression…”
-Dr. Soolmaz Abooali, Professor, Conflict Resolution, World Champion, Traditional Karate
“Creativity human right: it’s a part of who we are….Artists do not stay silent…
Use your own creativity: create positive action, worldwide”
-Lynn Dykstra, WFF Representative to the United Nations
“In my refugee practice…women and girls fleeing protection…denied refugee protection [due to]: alternative flight within their own country…which presents a problem”
-David Matas, Immigration and International Human Rights Lawyer
“Everyone is feeling the hurt of the pandemic, loosing hope of silver lining…Colleagues in South Africa share, escalated corruption has now erupted, CO-VID curfew keeps more people safe from violence than CO-VID.”
-Tamila Kianfard, Human Rights and Legal Researcher
“1 in 5 diagnosed with CO-VID 19 within three months, diagnosed with a mental health disorder. Disorders [may] include: depression, anxiety and insomnia.
In a study published Sept. 2020, the pandemic has caused a crisis in women’s mental health.
In the first of it’s kind, Non-profit Education Care [study] spoke to over 10,000 people, all around the globe in nearly 40 countries, their goal was to look at the challenges posed by CO-VID 19, they determined that the pandemic has had an overwhelming impact on women’s mental health.”
-Dr. Judy Patacsil, Professor/Psychotherapist/International Education Coordinator
Q: Economic impact in Iran, what can world do when the protests so brutally crushed by the government itself?
A: “One of the main things in Iran, suppression of information…women need advocacy outside of Iran, share outside of Iran… Stay up to date with women brought to trial…Make sure world is watching and that the Iran government know that world is watching”
-Zahra Amanpour
If you want more information about the speakers, contact me or click Eventbrite Event Page link