Desired One Photography

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Weighted Clouds, Weary Hearts

Dreary Today, Fruitful Tomorrow,

Hearts are weary from Today’s Journey,

What we have been through, doesn’t measure Tomorrow’s Success,

Doubts Carry, but rest in the journey, Dear One!

For yet, a New Day is Dawning,

Glorious Light pours Forth,

You will Conquer, Love!

Pray and Give all Sufferings to Him Whom Suffered it all,

Cry a Few Tears,

Take a Couple of Deep Breaths,

Release the Painfully, Wounded, Crushed Heart!

Babe, you’re an Overcomer!

Conqueror, of all Uncertain Circumstances,

Champion, of all Darkest Lies,

Sing a New Melody of Life, Today,

Laugh at Tomorrow’s Potential Troubles,

Give away Joy and Peace to your Community!